Tuesday 14 February 2017

Back to work

Tomorrow I go back to work!

I've been putting it off for a while, but not because I don't want to go back: I couldn't be more motivated. I'm lucky enough that I can decide when, and the conditions about how I return. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have the level of support from family and employer, and financial stability, that I have had.

What has actually held me back is the feeling inside that life is so full of opportunities. It's almost overwhelming, and occasionally paralysing. I find myself doing one thing, then getting excited by another that pops into my head, and before I know it I have 5 things going at once. Recently I have focused on a mantra we repeat at often work: "Stop starting. Start finishing."

I've spent quite a lot of time reading and studying, filling in gaps in my professional knowledge or revisiting things forgotten. I've built up quite a backlog of books (reading list at the end). I've continued to cook and have been toying with getting a new sourdough built so that I can make some fantastic bread whilst I still have plenty of time at home.

I've started a cycling training plan, a modest one to start with, but I've already cycled 160km this year on my indoor trainer. I cycle the 300km route in June in my head often. I think of new bike races and challenges. Constantly. I have my eyes on a new bike. I lust over it. Constantly.

I still go for walks, but less for exercise than for getting out in the fresh air and being with nature. Or spending time with the kids, Climbing trees (them), playing "I Spy" (quite a challenge with bilingual kids: fortunately I know that "N" stands for "Tongue").

Rosie has been off kindgarten for 3 weeks, attempting to avoid catching the winter illnesses and infecting me. It has been a joy having this time with her to bond, playing and losing memory games, cooking, going for walks. She plays so well independently, that I can easily do my own thing. She didn't want to go back yesterday, and I didn't want her too either. I wonder how I might have managed had I been the one home with the kids when they were babies.

I'm still going to have time for these things after today, since I will only be working 4 hours a day and I'll be working from home.

Last week I was at the hospital in Debrecen for my second checkup. Although my white blood cells have dropped a little, things are fine. I no longer have to take antibiotics or the antifungal medication. The next checkup will be on day 102 where they will check cancer markers and take a bone marrow sample, Since I was MRD negative before the transplant it's unlikely that I have relaspsed. After that, all restrictions on food, masks, sharing a bedroom and being around people will be dropped! And then the real fun can start!

What am I looking forward to most?

Sitting in a café and enjoying a nice coffee.

Reading list
Coaching Agile Teams, Lyssa Adkins (Jam packed full of advice for Agile practioners)
Getting to Yes (Negotiation)
Agile YouTube playlist
Kanban in Action
Fun Retrospectives
The Perfect Team (NY times)
The Scrum Master Toolbox podcasts

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