Sunday 31 December 2017

A year of cycling

What a year it has been! And what a recovery from 2016!

5061km total for the year, my most in 10 years. Compared to 770km in 2016.

I cycled 300km in one night in 10 hours

Rode to Slovakia and back before lunch in June (150km)

As well as 3 fun 100km rides:

The first 500km was cycled wearing a mask on my indoor trainer, as I recovered from my stem cell transplant.

Over 2000km on the indoor in trainer in total, until I got my full suspension bike to protect my 3 collapsed vertebrae from the wee cancer incident of 2016.

Tomorrow, health permitting, I'll be out for the first 100km ride of 2018.

Have a Happy New Year Everyone!

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